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Office Location: 310 N 7th St, Classroom 2
Office open Monday and Thursday 12 - 4, Wednesday 10 - 4
Mailing: PO Box 2361 | Grand Junction CO 81502
Call: 970-549-8544 Email: mesacountydemocraticparty@gmail.com
Mesa County Democrats Reorganization Meeting
February 4, 2023 Held at Grand Valley UU, 536 Ouray Ave, GJ CO
The meeting is called to Order at 10:09 am Pledge of Allegiance
Establish Quorum - credentials committee verified and JoLynn reports 69 total current membership in the County Central Committee (CCC), 31 signed in with 6 proxy votes. 18 members attending is required for quorum. Quorum is met.
Opening message from Chair(s)- Maria and Scott reports on successes. 80% gotv turnout, women’s group, the office, effective committees established, good candidates ran locally.
Who can Vote in Elections at this Reorg? POs, DPOs and the current executive committee.
New Rule from the state: Vacancy Committee is the Central Committee - the central committee shall be the vacancy committee for local offices, House Districts, and State Districts.
Charlie asks if new POs can just be appointed by chair? Yes, but then needs to be adopted by motion at a quorum of the CCC.
Treasurer's Report - Cindy reports that $45K was budgeted for this year. A reserve account has been set up to cover 1 year of rent. Fundraising committee has big plans. Rent includes all utilities at $1133 a month. Possibility of moving to a different location, but that can be discussed later with the new executive committee. Members show support for keeping the current location. What are the parties main sources of income? Century club, fall festival, art show, act blue, and people can set up monthly recurring donations thru act blue.
Explanation given on voting on a slate of candidates. Maria introduces all. Co-Chairs Cindy Orr and James Gilliam. Vice Chairs - Maria C Keenan, Tyler McDermit, Todd Kendall, Constance Combs. Secretary - Jamie Porta, Treasurer - open
Maria makes the motion to accept the proposed slate of candidates for officers, Jim Witt seconds. No discussion. In favor: 37 Opposed:0 - Motion Passes and the new officers are officially seated.
James takes the chair and introduces himself and discusses the vision for the party's future. Goal is to revise the strategic plan in March and update rules and bylaws to be clearer and support the strategic plan. Looking for a treasurer.
Election of (5) Additional Executive Committee Members, explanation of duties - Self nominations: Ricki Howe (2nd by Collen), Don Bell (second by Jamie), Damon Davis (second by Scott), Barbara Michelle (second by Charley). Maria made the motion to accept these nominations as our executive committee members. Second by Martelle. No discussion. All in favor:37 Opposed:0 - Motion Passes.
Election of State Executive Committee Bonus members (1) State Executive Committee - Cindy Orr Martelle made the motion to accept Cindy to the state executive committee, seconded by Fran. No discussion. In favor:37 Opposed:0 - Motion Passes
Election of State Central Committee Bonus members (6) State Central Committee - Cindy, Scott, Martelle, Tyler, Jamie, Charlie. Election of State officers is April 1st and is followed by the Obama Dinner. Maria makes the motion to accept these nominations to the state central committee, seconded by James. No discussion. In favor:37 Opposed:0 - Motion Passes
Election of HD55 Executive Committee - must live in (HD 55 precincts 55-90) - Cindy, Jamie, Ricki, Don, Damon, Maria, Tyler, Todd, Barbara. Martelle makes the motion that the Executive Committee serves as the HD55 Executive Committee. Maria seconds. No discussion. In favor:37 Opposed:0 - Motion Passes
Election of State Platform Committee Person HD55 (1) - Don Bell. Maria motions to accept Don to the State Platform Committee. Seconded by Jim Witt No Discussion. In favor:37 Opposed:0 No discussion - Motion Passes
Election of JD 21 Executive Committee - Martelle makes the motion that the Executive Committee serves as the Judicial District 21 executive committee. James, Cindy, Maria Tyler, Todd, Constance, Jamie, Ricki, Don, Damon, Barbara. Second by Dave Stalke. No discussion. In favor:37 m Opposed:0 - Motion Passes
Election of Mesa County Commissioners District A and C Executive Committee - James, Cindy, Maria Tyler, Todd, Constance, Jamie, Ricki, Don, Damon, Barbara. Martelle makes a motion that the executive committee serve for County Commissioner dist A and C Executive Committee. Charley seconds. No discussion. In favor:37 Opposed:0 - Motion Passes
Election of Bonus Members for HD54 (4) - James, Constance, Charley. Maria made the motion that the Executive Committee serves as bonus members to House District 54. Seconded by Kay. No discussion. In favor:37 Opposed:0 - Motion Passes
Election of Bonus Members SD7 (5) - James, Cindy, Maria, Tyler, Todd, Constance. Only 5 seats, please -1 Maria makes the motion that the Ex Comm serves as the bonus members to Senate District 7. Seconded by Martelle. No discussion. In favor:37 Opposed:0 - Motion Passed
Election of Bonus Members CD3 (6) - (Cindy and James) are automatic members - Cindy, Tyler, Todd, Scott, Charlie, and Damon. Maria makes the motion that the Executive Committee serves as the bonus members to Congressional District 3. Martelle seconds. No discussion. In favor:37 Opposed:0 -Motion Passes
Scott Beilfuss and Jamie Porta are running or GJ City Council - Speeches
Multi County Reorganization meetings
CD3 March 4, 2023 2:00 pm Zoom
SD7 March 5, 2023 2:00 pm Zoom
HD54 March 25, 2023 4:00 pm Zoom
Morgan Carol is stepping down as the State Dem Party chair.
3 candidates running for that position - Shad Marub, Howard Chou and Tim Kubic. Tim will be at the Dems office Feb 18th. 2 zoom forums scheduled- Feb 23, Feb 25
Tues Feb 14th Dems luncheon at the Goat and Clover at 11:30.
Drinking liberally resumes. Thursday March 2nd Speakers and discussions will include: Jamie, WCA - just transition, rec center and pool. Meet at edgewater and please RSVP to Charley.
Aug 19th at CMU Blue gala style event. Save the date.
Mesa County Dems Executive Committee Meeting Tuesday March 7,2023 5:30 pm
at the MC Dems Office. All are welcome to attend.
Motion to adjourn at 11:24 made by Jamie, seconded by Charley. In favor:37 Opposed:0 Meeting is Adjourn at 11:24am.