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Office Location: 310 N 7th St, Classroom 2
Office open Monday and Thursday 12 - 4, Wednesday 10 - 4
Mailing: PO Box 2361 | Grand Junction CO 81502
Call: 970-549-8544 Email: mesacountydemocraticparty@gmail.com
Mesa County Dems Teams
Candidates and Issues
The primary functions of the MCDP Candidates and Issues Team include preparing issue statements for ballot measures and MCDP positions, and providing expertise and resources to candidates. There is also a subgroup of this committee focused on candidate recruitment.
The purpose of the Communications Team is to inform, motivate, and engage with Democrats and the Mesa County public by communicating consistent messaging and branding across a variety of media. The core of our messaging comes from the MCDP Platform.
Team Leader: Jennifer Hancock, 970-462-9507
The mission of the Fundraising Team is to create and maintain a firm financial foundation for building the Democratic Party in Mesa County. Team co-leaders: Colleen Jones and Treva Houck
The MCDP Office is a key gathering place and central location for the Democratic party activities and functions. The Office Volunteer Team provides a vital role in keeping the MCDP Office open and available to visitors, volunteers, Democrats, and the general public. Our main function is to provide information and referral on all things related to the Democratic Party’s activities, values, and goals, as well as election information.
Team Leader: Rita Roberts
The MCDP Outreach Team strives to be actively engaged with meaningful events and to be visible in Mesa County. Our participation provides an opportunity to demonstrate support and build relationships with other community organizations.
Precinct Organizing
The Precinct Organizing Team is responsible for all District Precinct Organizer (DPOs) and Precinct Organizer (POs) activities, such as organizing campaign related events, ioncluding neighborhood canvassing and literature drops, texting and telephone campaigns, postcard and letter writing, and countywide and district rallies. The Precinct Organizing Team also coordinates training on all software required to meet the goals of the Precinct Organizing Team. Team Leader: Jo Lynn Phillips
Volunteers are the core of MCDP, and their value cannot be overstated. Volunteers fulfill every aspect of ongoing and short-term responsibilities and project our image into the community. All volunteers should be trained, supported, and thanked! Team Leader: Kate Daniel
Women's Group
Members of the Mesa County Women’s Group are committed to support, promote, and advance the values, ideals, and goals of the Mesa County Democratic Party. This is achieved through active participation, civic engagement, education, training, and political action. Our Women’s Group creates a place to socialize, have fun, and work together on meaningful projects.
In what areas or ways would you
Here are the current
categories (TAGs) we use
when looking for help.
Complete the form above or send an email expressing your interest to:
Be sure to include your
cell or primary phone number.
Chair or Board (past/present)
CMU Dems Group interest
Diversity Outreach
Election Judge interest
Latino/Latina/LatinX Outreach
Office (phones, misc.)
Other (unique skills/miscellaneous)
PO Contact / Lead
PO interest
Platform Committee
Postcard / Mailing
Volunteer (everyone!)
Women's Group
Young Dems interest
May 16
April 22
Dolores Canyons National Monument
April 13
Spring has sprung in MC Election season
March 21
Still Time to Sign Petition 89!
March 13