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Office Location: 310 N 7th St, Classroom 2
Office open Monday and Thursday 12 - 4, Wednesday 10 - 4
Mailing: PO Box 2361 | Grand Junction CO 81502
Call: 970-549-8544 Email: mesacountydemocraticparty@gmail.com

The Mesa County Women’s Group is a sustainable group of volunteers committed to support, promote and advance the values, ideals and goals of the Mesa County Democratic Party. This is achieved through active participation, civic engagement, education, training and political action. The Women’s Group creates a “place” for socialization, support, synergy, problem-solving, initiation and termination of projects – and for having a little fun.
The Women’s Group was established in December 2019 and completed its start-up year in 2020. The Mesa County Democratic Party Executive Committee approved the Women’s Group as a 2021 Standing Committee.
Women’s Group membership constitutes volunteers, irrespective of gender identity, who aspire to empower individual and group initiation and participation in projects designed to achieve specific goals. Projects can be identified by Group members and/or Party leadership for short- to long-term duration, which are financially supported by individual member donations in lieu of annual dues.

Current/Potential Projects
Mesa County Women's Group Welcome Letter to newly registered Democrat and unaffiliated voters (quarterly), conveying a “basket” of resources accessed via the MCD website.
Celebration of women’s right to vote, inauguration (TBD January)
Identification and advocacy of 2022 Election candidates/issues
Education & training on canvassing, phone banks, finding ways to open discussions with unaffiliated and other party women
Women's Group Contact Details
Email: MesaCoWomensGroup@gmail.com
Facebook: CLICK HERE to visit FB and send JOIN request

Honoring 100 years since the signing
of the 19th Amendment
For a one-page piece composed by Judee ONeal about and in honor of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an American shero... CLICK HERE.
Remember what she said (see quotes) and take the time to learn more about this outstanding woman in our country's history. Her legacy will be part of the celebration when we gather in January 2021.

Mesa County Womens Group Resources

Women's Group Contact Details
Email: MesaCoWomensGroup@gmail.com
Facebook: CLICK HERE to visit FB and send JOIN request
Operating Guidelines PDF - CLICK HERE
2020 Final Year End Report PDF - CLICK HERE